Thursday, January 17, 2008

Monday, 17 December 2007
Rose at 4:30, packed kids, bags and all into our Budget Tarago and were on the road by 6:00. Probably just as well because the traffic to Brisbane was just as bad as expected. Took us 90 minutes. Our EVA flight was 35 minutes late and did not make up lost time en route. Consequently we had just 50 minutes to transfer to our LAX flight in Taipei. Another 777, we had wrongly assumed it would be a 747, and we had the same seats, 7H and 7K. Service was good and the food was, surprisingly, excellent but there was a lot of turbulence throughout the flight. Took forever (1.5h) to clear customs but finally arrived Howard Johnson, Anaheim at 17:30. Rod and family had checked in 3 hours earlier and organised adjoining rooms on level 7.

Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Up early for breakfast then off to Disneyland where 2 days passes for the six of us cost US$660. Did all the rides we could given some minimum height restrictions which sometimes ruled out Zara and/or Ashton.. We found a good position and settled down to see the grand parade where Zara was very keen to see Micka Mouse but it was not to be. She fell asleep just before the Parade started but Ashton saw the lot with eyes as big as saucers when the Disney characters and Buzz and Woody came past. After Zara woke up we took in more rides and then lined up for the evening version of tge Parade which kicked off early due to the threatening weather. It started to rain and got progressively heavier but this did not dampen the enthusiasm of Zara and Ashton from their vantage points sitting on the shoulders of Barry and Rod. Ashton was again gobsmacked at the proximity of his heros and Zara's eyes popped at the sight of Micka, Goofy and Pluto. At the finish it was pouring and we were all drenched walking the 1km back to our hotel. Finished the night with takeaway Chinese delivered to our room and watched the evening fireworks while Nicola and Rod went back to Disneyland for some big people rides.

Wednesday, 19 December 2007
After a very long day yesterday and a late night we had a leisurely late breakfast at Denny's and decided today would be for shopping. Took a cab to Anaheim Plaza which had two of Margaret's favourites, Ross and Walmart, where we stocked up on supplies and clothing for Leavenworth. Tonight was Rod and Nicola's turn to look after the kids and Barry and Margaret celebrated yesterday's 43 wedding anniversary with dinner at the Steakhouse at the Sheraton. Margaret also found the Travelodge in which she and the girls sheltered during an earthquake back in 1992...

Thursday, 20 December 2007
Breakfast at Denny's, followed by a planned full day at Disneyland. We hit just about every ride possible until about 14:30 when it was time for Zara's sleep so Margaret and Barry headed back to the hotel. Zara was asleep in the stroller before we got there..At 17:30 we returned to Disneyland and eventually rejoined the others in the adjoining California Adventure theme park. Rod, Nicola and Ashton had already tried many rides and found thm faster and scarier than Disneyland. We tried Grizzly River Run comprising a series of high speed drops through a man-made rapids course which resulted in us all getting quite wet. Then we noved on to California Soarin' , a simulated helicopter flight over California. Margaret, Nicola and Rod rode the roller coaster. Barry and Ashton declined fearing it was too fast and scary. We finished the night taking in the fireworks at Disneyland which climaxed with a white Christmas display of artificial snow.

Friday, 21 December 2007After breakfast at Denny's (now becoming a habit thanks to their hashbrowns and Senior's menu), we split into two groups for the day: Nicola, Rod and Ashton in search of a giant shopping mall, while Barry, Margaret decided to walk back to Anaheim Plaza to settle a dispute with and do more shopping at Walmart. Settled everything and, after checking with Emma, purchased a Garmin satnav for $174 which we will use for this trip and again when we come back in April. We had a late lunch before taking a cab back to our hotel. Something dodgy about the lunch because Barry spent all night back and forth to the toilet.
Saturday, 22 December 2007
We rose very early for a 7:56 transfer by Super Shuttle to LAX airport. Despite warnings of expected heavy holiday traffic we made good time and caught our Alaskan Air flight without any problems. On arrival at Seattle we were met by Emma and Colleen. It soon became clear we would need a very large vehicle to accommodate our 8 passengers and their growing mountain of luggage. Most of the SUVs at Enterprise just had insufficient luggage space. We finally settled for a Chevy Suburban, a huge 4WD with just enough luggage space if we loaded up carefully. Spent the first night at Embassy Suites Hotel not far from the airport.

Sunday, 23 December 2007
Today is the big day for our expected 3 hours drive over Stevens Pass to Leavenworth. Weather repots indicated it had been snowing along the route and storms were expected this pm so we decided to skip breakfast and hit the road as soon as possible. After a fruitless search for snow chains we were under way by 10:00, stopping only for a quick Maccas. Despite plenty of evidence of snowploughs constantly clearing the road, it was snowing non stop and driving conditions deteriorated as we approached the summit. Many smaller vehicles were forced to pull over and stop but the big Chevy, which we were now driving full time in low range 4WD mode in first or second gear handled the conditions well. After we crossed the summit and started the 20 miles descent to Leavenworth conditions got worse. Much of the time the road surface was not visible under the snow which was up to 20cm deep. By now there very few vehicles on the road and all heavy transport had been banned, With some relief we arrived at our house, some 4 hours after departure. The snow was thick around the house up to waist depth. The children headed immediately for the snow on a plastic toboggan which they rode down the drive. After unpacking, the girls took the car into the village of Leavenworth to load up on supplies for our Christmas dinner. That evening Emma proved to be king of the kids when she unloaded her XBox and showed them how to play. The day finally ended on a few drinks with and after dinner and Emma and Rod trudging through the snow ro hit the outdoor heated spa.

Monday, 24 December 2007
The morning dawned clear and sunny with blue sky and no wind. We had another few inches of snow during the night. The river is flowing smoothly by about 20m from our front door, there are icicles hanging from the eves and the entire property is blanketed in deep powder snow. We went into town where the kids had a ball in the local park riding their toboggan down the slopes frequently accompanied by one or more adults. Margaret was particularly impressive managing to demolish one of the jumps by going through rather than over it. We had planned to find somewhere for dinner tonight for Rod's birthday, but virtually nothing would be open on Christmas eve so we decided to eat at home and stocked up on rib-eye steak for the BBQ. Have you ever stood ankle -deep in the snow cooking at a BBQ. Barry did and managed to avoid being impaled by spear-shaped icicles falling from the eves. Finally got the kids to bed after leaving out a beer for Santa and apple for his reindeers.

Tuesday, 25 December 2007
Awoke to the sounds of children's voices as they set upon Santa's bounty under the Christmas tree.. Ashton now has virtually every Spiderman accessory and Zara was delighted with her Mickey Mouse dolls. There was no more snow overnight but the temperature dropped to minus 3C. It did not stop outdoor activities with Rod and Emma building a snowman, Ashton and Zara diving around in the snow while Colleen and Nicola engaged in snowfights and body slams. Barry and Margaret were smarter staying inside to prepare our Christmas fare.

Wednesday, 26 December 2007.
Another clear, freezing day. This morning the temperature is minus 7deg C. We went out through town via Icicle Street to a ranch for a horse-drawn sleigh ride. We were well rugged up but it seems nearly impossible to keep hands and feet warm.. After lunch in town, Nicola, Rod and the kids hit the park sled slopes, while Emma and Colleen rented ski gear and hit the beginners slope. After that they were ready for the outdoor hot tub.

Thursday, 27 December 2007,
After snowing steadily all night, it was again minus 7 deg C and the outdoor fridge, where we store the beer in 60cm of snow, was working fine. Today we are planning outdoor activities. The main commencing area is at the end of Snowfields drive behind Leavenworth village. The kids were too small for any of the activities so Nicola and Rod took them shopping. Emma and Colleen went skiing with Emma picking it up quickly enough to decide to take another day gear rental to progress further up the beginners slope tomorrow. Barry and Margaret rented truck tyre innertubes for the Tube Ride where you are dragged about 200m uphill on a towrope and then hurtle downhill in a twisting walled course where there is little or no control over direction. We had 6 rides each and, despite the cold, affecting extremities, the activity actually warmed us up. When Nicola and Rod returned they too had a go on the tubes. After a late lunch at a brewpub in town we retired to our lodge where Colleen prepared Bratwurst and sauerkraut for dinner. Nicola and Rod had dinner in town.

Friday, 28 December 2007
It must have snowed most of last night and has been snowing fairly heavily and consistently all morning but this did not stop Emma and Colleen who took off for more skiing at 09:00. The rest of us opted to stay in front of the fire until the appointed time for the beauty spa and facial treatments Emma had arranged as Christmas presents for Margaret, Nicola and Colleen.. Emma and Barry drove out to Plain, 14 miles from Leavenworth to book snowmobile rides for tomorrow. By the time their spa treatments were finished it was time to head home and prepare our dinner of Buffalo wings and chilli washed down with beer. Great.

Saturday, 29 December 2007
Tonight will be our last at Jolanda Lodge. Barry and Margaret set out for Safeways at 09:30 and the temperature is an all time low : minus 9 deg C. After lunch Nicola, Rod, Emma and Colleen went to Plain for their appointed snowmobile rides, after which Nicola was reported as the star, being the only one to run off the track. Margaret was sinking low with her cold so the best option for us was to stay in with the kids. The weather forecast looks ominous with snowstorms predicted for the next 24 hours. We partially loaded the car for an early morning departure.

Sunday, 30 December 2007
It snowed heavily last night, probably about 12 inches. Emma was out early digging the car out of the snow. We finished loading and were on the road in darkness by 06:00 with Rod at the wheel. At this hour the snowploughs had not yet started and the road was very difficult to see and, at times, the driving snow rendered visibility not much better than zero. Nevertheless all went well but, as daylight was just breaking through at 07:30, we slammed into an elevated kerb on the passenger's side blowing out the front tyre.. We had to unload all the luggage to access the jack and tyre lever tools and then had all sorts of trouble trying to figure out from the Chevy manual how to release the spare wheel from its housing. To make matters worse there was not much light, it was freezing and muddy and snowing. Finally succeeded in changing the wheel then reloaded the luggage and were on the road in about one hour making it to Seatac airport in good time for our 12:44 Alaska Air flight to Los Angeles where we spent the night at the Renaissance Montura.
Monday 31 December 2007
Since our flights were not due to leave until 21:30 from LAX, we had all day to kill. Spent part of this taking a free shuttle to Manhattan Beach where we prowled the local shopping centre and had lunch. Finally transferred to the airport where both flights were due to leave on time. Barry and Margaret to Taipei and Nicola, Rod and the kids to Brisbane via Auckland.