Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thursday, 20 December 2007
Breakfast at Denny's, followed by a planned full day at Disneyland. We hit just about every ride possible until about 14:30 when it was time for Zara's sleep so Margaret and Barry headed back to the hotel. Zara was asleep in the stroller before we got there..At 17:30 we returned to Disneyland and eventually rejoined the others in the adjoining California Adventure theme park. Rod, Nicola and Ashton had already tried many rides and found thm faster and scarier than Disneyland. We tried Grizzly River Run comprising a series of high speed drops through a man-made rapids course which resulted in us all getting quite wet. Then we noved on to California Soarin' , a simulated helicopter flight over California. Margaret, Nicola and Rod rode the roller coaster. Barry and Ashton declined fearing it was too fast and scary. We finished the night taking in the fireworks at Disneyland which climaxed with a white Christmas display of artificial snow.

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