Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sunday, 30 December 2007
It snowed heavily last night, probably about 12 inches. Emma was out early digging the car out of the snow. We finished loading and were on the road in darkness by 06:00 with Rod at the wheel. At this hour the snowploughs had not yet started and the road was very difficult to see and, at times, the driving snow rendered visibility not much better than zero. Nevertheless all went well but, as daylight was just breaking through at 07:30, we slammed into an elevated kerb on the passenger's side blowing out the front tyre.. We had to unload all the luggage to access the jack and tyre lever tools and then had all sorts of trouble trying to figure out from the Chevy manual how to release the spare wheel from its housing. To make matters worse there was not much light, it was freezing and muddy and snowing. Finally succeeded in changing the wheel then reloaded the luggage and were on the road in about one hour making it to Seatac airport in good time for our 12:44 Alaska Air flight to Los Angeles where we spent the night at the Renaissance Montura.

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