Thursday, January 17, 2008

Monday, 24 December 2007
The morning dawned clear and sunny with blue sky and no wind. We had another few inches of snow during the night. The river is flowing smoothly by about 20m from our front door, there are icicles hanging from the eves and the entire property is blanketed in deep powder snow. We went into town where the kids had a ball in the local park riding their toboggan down the slopes frequently accompanied by one or more adults. Margaret was particularly impressive managing to demolish one of the jumps by going through rather than over it. We had planned to find somewhere for dinner tonight for Rod's birthday, but virtually nothing would be open on Christmas eve so we decided to eat at home and stocked up on rib-eye steak for the BBQ. Have you ever stood ankle -deep in the snow cooking at a BBQ. Barry did and managed to avoid being impaled by spear-shaped icicles falling from the eves. Finally got the kids to bed after leaving out a beer for Santa and apple for his reindeers.

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